Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My First Tutorial!!

I finally got my voice back enough to record a voice over for my first tutorial. Then I ran into editing problems (ie. I know enough about Windows Movie Maker to get me in trouble and had to wait for Christian to fix my goofs.) I learned a lot and will do some things differently next time. But, overall all I am happy with how it turned out.

Thanks to all of my family and friends!! I didn't have the patience to mess with the credits to much. If I had, credit would go to:

Adam - new 'puter to make this video on :-)
Christian - editing
Hayden - camera set up
Dawn - Pearl Ex (Christmas gift)
Sarah - Heat Gun (Christmas gift)
All My Craft Buddies - inspiration
All My Blog and YouTube Buddies - motivation


Anonymous said...


I see ya done strapped on yer trainin' wings and launched what may be a budding new career, lady.

And you published right on time for my morning fix of a great cup of coffee, an intriguing crossword puzzle, and a plumb interesting and informative Blog Post.

And a right fine DIY'er it is, to boot. Not bad, lady... not bad at all!

Note that this is an uncompensated endorsement. And, that in the making and production of this tutorial, not a single animal was injured or Emma-lated....tic.

And who knows? Julie Michelle may just one day become a household name right up there with MS. And she won't have had to do time in the 'big house' on the way to get there.

Go'fer it!


Anonymous said...

Go girl, go!
Wow, I am impressed.
Keep it up...DIY network may need another star!