I also managed to half way fulfill one of my goals. I filmed a craft tutorial!! WooHoo! It's only half done because my voice has been on the fritz since New Year's Day. Not sure why?? I'm not sick and I didn't even scream that much on New Year's Eve. So, I couldn't talk through the video. I should be able to do a voice over by this afternoon and have it posted by tonight or tomorrow. It's exciting, but also scary. Let me know what you think.

Adam, I thought I taught you how to drink and hold your own. Why are you looking so......Air Force'ish in this picture?
Am I gonna have to give you yet ANOTHER lesson.....?
Man King
Ok, I'll standby for the promised tutorial. Like, do you enjoy teasing us or what....tic?
Ya do know that we wait, and hope for a new blog post each day to have with our morning coffee, right?
You're getting pretty good at this blogstering, JM.
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