There are moments in life when you can vividly remember where you were when history was made. JFK's assassination, the moon landing, the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, the 911 attacks. Today was one of those days.
Today, I subbed in a math class at Hayden's school. I had the privilege of watching the inauguration with 40+ Middle School students who couldn't understand why I had my camera out. I told them, first of all, do you not know me?? I ALWAYS have my camera out :-) I didn't really say that, but I did try to explain to them that this was a historic event and I wanted to remember it. A few of them got it, most just looked at me like I was certifiable. Middle schoolers - whaddya' gonna' do?
The whole school watched the inauguration. Some got to watch it live, others (who were at lunch or PE) watched it taped. I watched it both times with different kids. The kids were great, they managed to watch and still get their work done.
Where were you?
Where was I:
JFK assasination - I wasn't born yet.
Moon Landing - I was 10 days old. They tell me they sat me in front of the TV to watch
Challenger Explosion - at home in Omaha, NE. I had stayed home sick from school that day.
911 Attacks - helping to clean up a campground (end of the season) in Wellfleet, MA.