Another BUSY week. Adam is finally done working on his contract proposal. He is so dedicated and is doing such a wonderful job. I am so very proud of the great work he does.
Last Saturday, Adam brought home Blue Crabs and made a special dinner for the two of us. YUM!!

Still blue and trying to ESCAPE!
This is a very messy meal so we decided to cook and eat outside. It was DELICIOUS!
Monday was the end of the year Band Banquet. Another great meal. Coach and Four catered and we had steak, baked potatoes, and salad. The theme was taken from this year's Field Season show "The Air Up There."
Kites, planes, balloons - anything that flies - decorated the cafeteria.
We got to take home one of the centerpieces.
Adam spent an evening installing my Mother's Day present. I am so excited!! I got shelves, drawers, curtain rods and a cleaned out closet. Sounds like a pretty weird present, right? Well, it is actually the BEST present ever!! I am in the process of coverting the office closet into my craft supply storage area. I cannot wait to show you the pics when I get it all "just so"!!
Not only does he tolerate my craftastic passion, he actually supports it!! I could not ask for more :-)
Christian turned 17 this week! Egads where has the time gone? We took him to Captain Kid's for his birthday dinner. All you can eat crab legs - he definitely put a dent in their profit margin.

Christian and Nicole outside the restaurant in Destin.
Now that 6th grade is almost over for Hayden, it's time to get ready for 7th. Unfortunately, that includes 7th grade shots. A booster for Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertusis and a second Varicella (Chicken Pox) vaccine. His generation will be the first to have escaped this childhood annoyance. I hope!! I have this fear that the vaccine will wear off as these kids grow up and we'll have a bunch of adults that get the Chicken Pox. Let's hope I'm just being paranoid.

Taking his medicine in the school gym. He was a GREAT patient!! He got one shot in each arm.
A couple of band moms and I went down to the radio station to promote some upcoming fundraisers. I was nervous, but it was a lot of fun. Our thirty minute "spot" aired Sunday morning on 1260 AM - talk radio. We got to talk about the "Car Smash" that we will be having this Friday May 29th, the Drum Corp International Competition on July 13th, the Rebel Syndicate Concert on August 8th, our monthly car washes, the "Hire A StyleMarcher" program and our kids in general. One of the parents said he heard a blurb from the taped interview on Friday on one of the FM stations that Cumulus Broadcasting owns. So, hopefully we will get a lot of publicity (ie. donations :-) from the interview.

Brenda, Lisa and me (behind the camera) in the studio.
Hayden wrapped up his baseball season. He had a really good time this year and got to play several different positions. His favorites were First and Third Base. We are looking forward to the Baseball Banquet next week.
Ready at First Base. Hayden made some great plays here. One inning he was even responsible for 2 of the three outs.

A pat on the back from one of the coaches :-)
As you can see, not many dull moments around here. As I have been writing this at least 2 other noteworthy adventures have taken place. So, stay tuned :-) Thanks for stopping by and be sure to bookmark, or subscribe to the RSS feed if you want to know when I update.