Thursday, June 25, 2009

Adam and Blain headed out early Wednesday morning to play golf. They had a great time and were able to get in nine holes before the heat really started getting bad.
On the cart.
On the course.

We went to the Mall the other day. Near the Food Court they have a "Wind Tunnel" machine. The boys got in and for a few seconds they felt "hurricane force" winds. Turns out the machine only goes up to 79 MPH. That is just 5 mph over the minimum for a Level 1 hurricane. It was still fun, but during hurricane season we have felt real winds stronger than that. Oh well, it was fun for them and fun to watch.
Now - Hayden and Blain at the Mall.
Then - Hayden at the campground during Hurricane Katrina.

Yesterday Adam and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary. He brought me a beautiful bouquet of daisies. Daisies and Sunflowers are my favorites! He also brought home my favorite chocolates. Then we went out for sushi.
Aren't they gorgeous!
Yum!! We had a Volcano roll, a Destin roll, a Crunchy Shrimp roll, and a Dragon roll.

Style Marcher Band Room renovation continues. We haven't been able to put the trophies back in the Band Room yet. But, we had to move them out of the concession closet that we have been storing them in. So, several of us spent an evening moving them from concession storage to the equipment room. Fun!
We put two rows of seats down in the van, and still could only fit 1/4 of them.
Blain rides in the back of a pickup carrying another load.
Empty shelves awaiting trophies - forgot to take an after picture :-(

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