Sunday, September 28, 2008

Weekend in Review

This Friday Choctaw played Niceville high school. That is always a big game because both schools are "local" (we play teams as far as 1.5 hours away sometimes) and they are pretty big rivals. The Fort Walton Beach vs. Choctaw game will be bigger, but this is the second biggest game of the year. Anyway, we lost :-( But apparently it was a good game. I wouldn't know because #1 I don't understand football, #2 I don't care about football (might be why I don't understand it :-), and #3 I was busy selling 50/50 tickets until halftime. Then I watched the halftime shows and went home. I did manage to sell the winning ticket again - YEAH! The winner and the band each got $284 this week.

Christian went on a field trip this week to the University of West Florida. The Newspaper, Yearbook and News Staff went to a workshop. For those of you that don't know, Christian is taking a TV Production class. He is part of the crew of WBGI - the school TV news program. He is really enjoying it. He recently received his "All Access" News Crew ID. What were you thinking Choctaw :-)

I had a really good time scrapbooking/card making this weekend. A bunch of us get together once a month at the church and scrap Friday night and Saturday day. It's a lot of fun!! Sometimes we do more talking than scrapping, but it is still a great time. Here are some of the things I made.

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