Monday, May 11, 2009

Hayden's Spring Concert

Last week Hayden's school had their Spring Concert. It is always a very nice time with many different groups performing. The concert is held at "The Landing." The water you see in the background is Santa Rosa Sound (part of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway). The land behind the water is Okaloosa Island. Although it didn't rain, it was overcast so the water doesn't look as pretty as it normally does.

During the concert 5 groups performed - Beginning Band, Football/Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Strings, and Guitar. It amazing to see how much progress all of the classes have made since their Fall concert.

Hayden has really enjoyed the whole band experience. He is really looking forward to kicking it up a notch next year.
Beginning Band
Hayden is to the right of Mr. Phillip's, in front of the Bass Drum.

Mr. Phillips is such a great teacher and a good sport. See his two toned hair? Well, he is normally a brunette. But, he told the kids that if they raised "X" amount of dollars during their last fundraiser, then he would die his hair blonde. They did their part, and he kept his end of the bargain. Poor thing, he didn't realize what a process it is to turn brown hair blonde. It took three hours to make the transformation. He says next time he will have to find another incentive :-)

1 comment:

Cooteth said...

Way to go Hayden... And the whole band while we are at it!

Yeah, buddy. Ain't it amazing to see and hear progress almost as it is happening?

Good for you, my friend. And for all your band mates and mate-esses... (the latter being chicks, in case ya cain't decipher me somehow.)

Hang in there! I hope to hear you play some day on the Big Stage!