The last week of March was the beginning of Spring Break for all 4 boys. Parker and Blain got to come down for the whole week. It was not a great week weather wise (rain, rain, rain and even tornado warnings), but we had a good time anyway.
We did manage to get to the beach on one nice day. It was a little chilly and windy, but still sunny and clear.
As I said it rained a LOT that week. Adam and Blain did manage to get out to the golf course for 9 holes. Blain is on the golf team this year at school.

Of course April Fool's day just happened to fall during Spring Break - mwahhhh hahhhhh hahhhhh hahhhhh. Adam and I had lots of fun coming up with fun pranks to pull on the boys.
For breakfast, I offered them a choice of cereal or cinammon toast. Well, of course they chose the toast. So I toasted the bread, buttered it and then let them doctor it up with the cinnamon sugar. I had dumped out the real mixture and replaced it with cinnamon SALT. It was great! Looked real, smelled real, tasted AWFUL. The best part was they all woke up at different times, so I was able to get several of them. I had to leave the kitchen a couple of times to keep from cracking up prematurely.
Adam made a plateful of yummy chocolates. He told the boys he had to take them to work, but that there were some leftover that they could enjoy. Here is what they looked like.
Hayden was the unlucky one to fall victim to the kool-aid shower. Adam had removed the shower head and loaded it with drink mix powder. Hayden was the perfect target. Most people run the water from the shower head before they get in. Not him, he ran the water from the tub faucet, then got in, then pulled the lever that switches the water to the shower head. Hey Kool-AID!!! :-) Of course, several minutes later Christian decided to add insult to injury by dumping a full glass of cold water on Hayden's head.
Things settled down a bit after the morning craziness. Then that night, Adam and I went to bed. Apparently the boys stayed up for a bit. I woke up to find bowls of water in the bathroom. Plain evidence that someone tried to make someone else pee in their sleep. Thankfully they were not successful. And Parker woke up to this:
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