Hanging Out at Mary and Duane's Pool
The kids had a blast swimming - of course
Monday, We raced around after school doing errands. The band had an exhibition that night at Fort Walton Beach High School. So we had to drop Christian and 20 PB&J's off. Now that I think about it, I should have taken a picture of our PB&J assembly line the night before :-) Adam and I had it down!! I was PB he was J - LOL!! We made 2 loaves of sandwiches in no time. Helpful tip y'all. Making a PB and J for future consumption is soooo much easier if you use frozen bread. The bread doesn't squish or rip when you spread the jelly. When your done, pop them back in the freezer. Take them out just before you need to transport them. The frozen bread keeps them from getting soggy or smushed, keeps the sandwich and other items in your cooler/lunchbox cold, and yes they do thaw out in time to eat them. I usually make 10 sandwiches at the beginning of the week, bag them and put them back in the freezer. Then the boys just pop one into their lunchbox/bag in the morning.
Christian and some of the "Guard Girls"
After we dropped off Christian, Hayden and I went to the post office to pick up a package he has been expecting for weeks. Well, they changed the post office hours and they were closed -grrrr! So, we ended up going to the toy store across the street to look around. Hayden found plenty to do over there.
Video of a weird spinner toy that Hayden was fascinated with.
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