Monday, October 27, 2008
Homecoming 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How About a Cruise?!?!?!?!?

We'll see you at the
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
in 2009!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Who's Birthday Is It?
Saturday Choctaw hosted the Emerald Coast Marching Classic. This Festival/Competition is one of the band's biggest fundraisers. Adam and I, along with many other band parents volunteered in various areas. It was a looooong but wonderful day. We set up at 8:00 am and broke down at 11:00 pm. Everyone did a fabulous job and we couldn't have asked for nicer weather. All of the 13 bands were SUPER! The final numbers aren't in, but hopefully we raised a lot of money.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Happy Birthday to Hayden
Guinness Book in 3-D with a mouthful of gum.
Hayden's Word Cloud Card.
I am so pleased with how this card turned out. The words were printed on white cardstock with a free program I heard about. It's Check it out if you have some time to kill. You enter words and the computer randomly places them. The more times you enter a word the larger it appears in the final product. You can control things like color, capitalization, and whether the words are mostly vertical, mostly horizontal, or both. But the placement is random. So, if you don't like the look you can have it rearrange the words. I clicked about 12 times before I got the large words right where I wanted them. Anyway, it's fun - go check it out.
Gearing up for a BUSY weekend. The Emerald Coast Marching Classic is this Saturday. We will be volunteering all day at the school. So pray for nice (not hot) weather for us. Oh yeah, and for LOTS of people to come. This is the bands biggest fundraiser of the year.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Another Busy Weekend
Waiting for Retreat.
During Retreat, all of the participating bands send representatives to the field to receive their evaluation.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Getting Involved
P.S. when you watch the video, note that Christian is the one who does the airplane sound effects (among other things) - so proud of my babies :-)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Peanut Butter, Jelly and Other Ramblings
Hanging Out at Mary and Duane's Pool
The kids had a blast swimming - of course
Monday, We raced around after school doing errands. The band had an exhibition that night at Fort Walton Beach High School. So we had to drop Christian and 20 PB&J's off. Now that I think about it, I should have taken a picture of our PB&J assembly line the night before :-) Adam and I had it down!! I was PB he was J - LOL!! We made 2 loaves of sandwiches in no time. Helpful tip y'all. Making a PB and J for future consumption is soooo much easier if you use frozen bread. The bread doesn't squish or rip when you spread the jelly. When your done, pop them back in the freezer. Take them out just before you need to transport them. The frozen bread keeps them from getting soggy or smushed, keeps the sandwich and other items in your cooler/lunchbox cold, and yes they do thaw out in time to eat them. I usually make 10 sandwiches at the beginning of the week, bag them and put them back in the freezer. Then the boys just pop one into their lunchbox/bag in the morning.
Christian and some of the "Guard Girls"
After we dropped off Christian, Hayden and I went to the post office to pick up a package he has been expecting for weeks. Well, they changed the post office hours and they were closed -grrrr! So, we ended up going to the toy store across the street to look around. Hayden found plenty to do over there.
Video of a weird spinner toy that Hayden was fascinated with.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
We Got BOO'd !!!!!
Our homes' locations made us meet.
You now have been Boo'd, but who could we be?
We'll never tell, it's a secret, you see.
We placed these goodies for you and yours
Then we ran fast, after knocking the door!
Place this Boo on your front door
And make sure you Boo two neighbors of yours!
Can't wait to Boo the next two!!!
Start the fun in your neighborhood.
Download your own "Boo" at
Friday, October 3, 2008
Fun in Vermont
Here is a link to some of the construction pictures.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Happy 50th Pryor Middle School
Here is the video of the chaos (I mean fun) trying to get the picture taken. If you don't blink you can see half of my head for about 1 second. Don't even bother :-)