Wednesday, June 3, 2009

6th Grade Awards Day

One More Day of School!! After two years of this schedule, we're still not used to going to school in June. Everyone is ready to be DONE!

Today, was 6th Grade Awards Day at Hayden's school. Lots of kids were recognized for their acheivements. Hayden received a certificate and a medal for getting all A's and B's this year. We are very proud of him.
The 6th graders who were scheduled to receive awards sat on the gym floor. Parents and the remainder of the students sat in the bleachers.
I made Hayden pose for this picture.
He is standing with Ms. Jackson, one of the Assistant Principals, and Mr. Chambers Principal
(oh yeah, and the Pryor Mascot - a Pirate)

Teacher Gifts for Hayden's 6 teacher's.

You can see more about these on my craft blog -

1 comment:

Cooteth said...

Way to go, Hayden... Good job, my friend!

The step up to middle school is a substantial one. Many find that it is difficult to adapt and/or adjust to the changes; especially so in the first year there.

'Pears that you have done a super job of getting comfortable and getting with the program. Again, good on you, my man! Keep up the good work.
